What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Breast is best - so why can't I do it?

Dylan and I have struggled for the last three days with feeding. All the books say that he should be feeding for 20 mins from one breast and then be offered the other, apparently babies should be feeding this much by day three.

However Dylan and I both have a cold and he seems to find it difficult to get latched on and breath at the same time. I'm in fear that my boobs are too big and seem to be suffocating him. Even with the rugby ball hold we still struggle, I've reverted to the belly to belly as this seems to be the only position he manages to stay on for more than a couple of seconds.

Added to the positioning problems are the pain issues. All the books imply that there should be no pain when baby is latched, but I have to say that each time he goes on I feel like screaming. I've sat in tears as my baby feeds, primarily because of his cold he is lathing on and off almost every minute.

Mum, dad and K all keep suggesting I should give him a bottle, but I'm scared that if I do my milk wont come through properly or and this scares me more that he, Dylan, will prefer the bottle. I'm not sure I can do this - isn't it supposed to be the most natural thing in the world! What if he isn't feeding because he doesn't like what I'm producing, what if my milk wont come through properly, what if....

Totally unsure and feeling very down. Thank god for mum and her constant reassurance and hugs.


Hx said...

Dear Dylan, please tell your mommie that not everyone is a "super mom" and to stop beating herself up, she's doing a fab job and will continue to do so! Love Auntie H

Wild Mood Swings said...

Breast is defo best m8 and you have juggernauts ( pardon the pun ) to supply you

Shannon said...

Thanks Hooch, things will get better, I know they will.

Porl, Big is definately not best. But its a learning curve!!!