What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Friday, March 24, 2006

Week one - on my own

Its been a fairly strange week. I've been getting used to being on my own with Dylan, we've got into a form of routine. He's feeding about every hour and a half, which is kinda hard on the old nipples, but at least he is getting the nourishment he needs.

I'm also getting more and more confident when changing and clothing him, its not something that came naturally, especially as I've never really had to deal with babies. Changing dollies as a child I'm sure it was a whole lot easier - their legs and arms didn't jiggle and the whole floppy head thing is really daunting for the first couple of weeks or so.

Mum commented the other day on how confident I am with him, but I still feel a little unsure, especially when I'm on my own and he is crying. I'm slowly figuring out what each cry means, but have to admit that as soon as I get a grip on one he throws in another one for me to figure out.

Had a lovely visit on Tuesday from Sue, a friend from the Theatre group. Sue had a little boy of 9 months, William who crawled round the trailer. The first thing he headed for was the crystal classes we have on show - ha, made me realise how much we are going to have to change round here!!!!

I've also been given the all clear from the midwives and got my first Health Visitor visit. A lovely lady called Sheila popped round. Instilled in me a great amount of confidence as she complimented the way I handled Dylan and answered my plethora of questions.

Dylan coed and gurgled at both visitors and I watched hearts melt as they held him in their arms. I know I'm probably biased but bugger me - he's gorgeous.

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