What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Hormonal and moving home!

Today K and I packed up the last of our belongings and headed back to the trailer. I was fine when we were at the trailer, unpacking and sorting things out - I guess preparing for Dylan coming home!

But back at mum and dads it suddenly hit me, that from this point on it was just K, me and Dylan. I wouldn't have mum cooking my breakfast. Neither Dad nor mum would be around to take on Grandie time leaving me time to recuperate and adjust,before I could stop them the tears came and just wouldn't stop. I walked from room to room sobbing; the enormity of becoming a family had hit home.

Even at the trailer I couldn't stop the tears, this trailer that I had loved and felt so at home in felt small and cold. There seemed to be no room for anything and I felt lost and uncertain at my own ability to cope. K tried holding me, but I felt unable to share my fears with him, certain he would just tell me I was being stupid.

Eventually he went off and did a shop returning with a large bunch of roses, apparently from Dylan, he held me tight and said that everything would be alright, but I'm not sure. How do you cope with this amount of responsibility!

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