What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Our first trip to the supper market!

Day three on our own arrived and I made a concientious effort to get out of the trailer. We dressed, always a bit of a screaming match, then headed down to mums'. As usual Granny San needed time to get sorted, finish her fag (outside in the back yard) and drink her tea.

Im not quite adjusted to baby life and constantly forget the need to take off his outdoor clothes when he is inside. That said he looked so content sleeping in the car seat that it was a crime to disturb him.

We got to Morrisons (mum's prefered shop) and for the very first time I parked in the mother and baby spaces. Then I attempted to get a trolley with a baby seat - More fun! Unbenknowst to me there are two type of trolleys. One that you sit the baby in and the other sort that you attach the car seat too. The car seat type seemed the easiest but took about five minutes for me to locate one.

Once found I strapped in Dylan and we headed off. I have to say that it was quite fun pushing my baby round the market, he slept all the way round and several times folks came up and asked about him. I kinda felt special - a new mommie!!

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