What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Its working!

The weekend was a bit of a trial, attempting to get through to everyone that the top ups come after the breast feeding, not before. Rachel explained to me the importance of continuing to breastfeed, if I stop my milk will dry up and as it hasn't come through yet I need to ensure I still feed Dylan everytime he wants feeding, then I top him up with formula to make sure he is getting all the sustenance he needs.

Another misconception Ive had to face is that your milk comes in straight away. Apparently it can take up to six weeks for some womens milk to come through... SIX WEEKS!!!

Mum, dad and K keep trying to get me to miss a feed. I keep explaining again what I've been told, but it seems to fall on deaf ears, I know they are only trying to help me out but sometimes it just feels like they all want me to give up, its like I'm being selfish for wanting to do this. I guess we are all on learning curves and today I'm not feeling particuarly charitable or taking their advice very well.

My boobs have become less engorged and are slowly softening up, Jo's advice of Lansinoh cream for my nipples has really helped. The toe curling pain is lessening with each feed and I'm actually feeling more comfortable when positioning Dylan.

We are primarily using the "rugby ball" position for feeding. Imagine holding a rugby ball under your arm and you've got it in one. Its nice cause in this position I don't feel as if I'm smothering him!

Today has primarily been a good day - Yeah!!!

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