What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Engorged and failing again!

The book says: Some mothers find that as their colostrum changes over to milk, their breasts can become swollen and engorged, so that, if they are not careful, the baby finds it difficult to feed from the breast....

Well excuse me "if they are not careful". I went to bed with normal soft boobs and woke with Jordan's cast off's. There was no lead up, Dylan fed happily last night but when I got up this morning my boobs were solid, top to bottom like rugby balls!

He can't get his mouth around the nipple and just cries and cries in frustration. Mum and dad went out to Mothercare and brought me a breast pump, but it doesn't work, or I cant make it work, nothing comes out.

So we tried hand expressing. Only with my boobs being so big it all just dribbled down my stomach as I attempted to catch it. So we then brought a funnel, cut a bit out of it, so my boob can fit into it and still catch the milk I am able to express.

My boobs hurt, even just having clothes hanging from them and the only relief I managed to find was hot flannel compresses. Mum has been an absolute star, offering encouragement and bringing new flannels as I crouch over the funnel, vainly attempting to express enough milk to allow Dylan to feed.

Do I give in and give him a bottle or do I continue, the books and the midwife all say keep trying, mum, dad and K keep saying one bottle wont hurt. I don't know what's best! Whenever I put him to my breast his fists thrash and his head shakes in a desperate desire to get latched on, his cry sounds angry and frustrated - What do I do!!!!

Tonight I've crouched on hands and knees in the bath chest down, breasts floating in the water, attempting to ease the hurt. One step forward, two steps back!

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