What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Thursday, March 30, 2006

More visitors and Mothering Sunday.

Well my first mummy's day came - I got the Narnia DVD off Dylan - along with visits from Fran & Steve (K's sister and brother in law).

Frannie and Dylan

Steve and Dylan

It was totally lovely seeing them, but did feel a bit under pressure re the breast feeding from Frannie and Steve. Neither Frannie or her daughter have breastfed and there were lots of questions on why I "felt the need too". Steve was obviously a bit embarrassed about me feeding when he was around and in turn I felt a bit awkward. It was never anything really nasty, just made me realise that not everyone approves or understands. I guess I'm going to have to adapt and take into account other peoples opinions.

That said we had some lovely evenings together, just chatting and drinking - yes, I actually had a couple of drinks. One night I even, forgive my sins, got a bit p****d. Mum and dad did the Grandparent thang and baby sat, armed with a bottle of formula I left for the restaurant feeling a little bit guilty. A gorgeous meal and several glasses of wine later I picked up the wee man, woozie.

The 2am feed was a little strange, I felt very guilty as I was obviously not quite up to scratch with the feeding thing. I think Dylan knew that something was wrong, he was a little fractious and kept pulling away from me - could he taste the alcohol?

Marci also joined us for one night on her way up to Edinburgh. She was the doting "Fairy Godmother" and sat and stared at Dylan for literally hours. She was so gentle with him, it took me back to my first days with him.

Marci is moving over to Italy in June so this was probably the last time she will see him for a while. She always instills in me a sense of rightness, I moaned about the usual stuff and she, as usual listened.

I cried when she left, which made me realise that my hormones are still high and flying. But a bally good visit non the less!

Nicky, Laura, Gemma and Jonathan also dropped by through the week for short visits. It was lovely to see them all. Each visit meant I had to get up, get dressed and sort the trailer out. Even with a four week old baby I still cant seem to let things go, its great for me though because its forcing me to adapt and prioritize. Whereas before I would be dusting and cleaning windows I'm just running the hoover round and wiping down the worst of stuff.

Gemma - feeling a little broody

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