What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!
- The Happiness Project
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Snow - I hate snow
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Do you know me?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Trying to get out of the doghouse
- Walk up and down stairs without pulling myself up on the banister
- Wash and dry my hair.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
In the Dog House.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Reiki and Sympathy
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Rowed with Mum
Taking Bridies advice on board
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Bridie my Guru!
- Pain is good, but its not nice!
- My body will react to temperature over the next couple of months, I should be aware of this because intense heat/cold will cause intense pain.
- I have to acknowledge that things are and will be sore, and not expect too much of myself or my body.
- Things I can say instead of "I'm fine", which I'm not and I cant keep putting on smiley face. "Today is not a good day". "Nerve pain is setting in and its sore". This means I'm not lying to myself, but I'm also acknowledging its not easy.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Someone has kidnapped my nice child
Friday, October 29, 2010
Home is where the heart is
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday 28th October
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Saturday 9th October
Im up and moving like you wouldn’t believe, getting out of bed seems so much easier, not simple but I have control again over the middle of my body, its just a wiggle of legs a pull of the stomach muscles an Im up. So far no little accidents!
I bumbled around after breakfast stretching my limbs, pushing my arm to move. No one came, it was busy outside. At 10 I decided to wash myself, thinking that maybe the bath had been cancelled, my leg bandages were falling off so I rang the nurse button. Katherine and Carol were looking after me, but Angie came in. I was due a bath and bandage change but a new patient was really poorly and was holding things up. I told Angie it wasn’t a problem, I know how painful it is when you first come to these wards and how important it is for the staff to get you settled in and comfortable. Angie sorted out my bandages and I sat and read.
Bath! How gorgeous is that word. I got into the bath by myself! The soaking of the skin, the easing of the limbs as they float easily with little pain! Hair washed and I got out of the bath by myself. All decorum gone, bum in the air and belly flapping but bugger me I did it.
Wounds so much better again today, elbow really dry and the dressing has been reduced to a bit of stretchy bandage, Donor wound also drying up and now just needs E45 cream on to ease the itchyness. God is it itchy! I want to scratch all over, to dig in my nails. But Im resisting. Today I managed to get my left arm lifted to 35 degree angle, so much more movement that yesterday, yeah for tomorrow.
Shaun and Joji visited. Laughter and feet the main theme. Pictured below. Wheeled down to the Coffee shop for a Latte. Yum. The two of them are full of sunshine!
Mum and dad begged a night off, which I willingly granted, they need to rest, to sleep. I missed their visit, but the night passed with bad TV and visits to the toilet.
Friday, October 08, 2010
Wednesday 6th October
A bad night, little sleep and ponderings of what Im going to be doing in a weeks time, a months time! I have decided that Im not going to accept this situation. Im going to push my body, with Sophies exercises, Im going to do everything I can to make it work the way it should. So through the day I did my exercises, breathing and body pushing each limb till it hurt just a little.
Bridie, the hospital councillor came in to talk. We talked about loads of things, but mainly how Im going to cope once Im out of my safe little hospital bubble. I don’t know. It will be strange living at home, but I know I will be safe. We talked about Dylan and how he is coping, Bridie would like me to get him assessed, just to be safe.
Visits from Ruth and Renate, Donna and Liz. “Im fine, really, its all good”, hugs, kisses, “get well soons”. Such good friends make me realise how lucky I am.
Sophie came to beast me and we pushed my body, my left arm is definitely improving, I can move it a little more each time she visits, still unable to lift it more than half way up my body, but its getting there. My fingers are not so stiff and Ive more control over them.
My catheter was removed, its all down to me now. Getting out of bed is hard, my body just doesn’t want to do want it needs to do to get me up. I feel like I have not control over the middle part of my body. Needing the bed to pull me up. Im worried I wont make it to the toilet in time!
Mum and dad came again to visit, they don’t see the point in Dylan seeing a councillor, I gave in. Things are pretty status quo with the house, dad chasing up the fire brigade and police, but not really getting anywhere.
Im tired, but feeling a lot more positive tonight, the days are long, but I really do feel that its all pulling in the right way.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Thursday 7th October
Its been a good day. I had my bandages removed and the new dressings seem to have made a significant improvement. Still smelly, stringy and wet on my left side, but my elbow on my right arm is healing well and the cuts on my left arm are looking brilliant. Still looks a bit ‘Bride of Frankenstein’ but so good compared to a week ago. I can’t believe the difference two days can make.
Visited by David from Trinity Church and David Stocks. A prayer and some raspberries. Mum and dad brought Dylan, he played with bed again, such sweet hugs and kisses. He seems fine, people are dropping off toys and clothes in the bag load, sometimes mum doesn’t even know who they are off. Such kindness, such generosity!
Shaun phoned, it made me smile, Im tired tonight, but I cant sleep, more Orimorph please!
Friday 8th October
Morphine reduced to 20mg per twice a day. Im managing to stay off the Orimorph, trying to find out how much I can push it till I feel the need to call for for help.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Tuesday 5th October
Tuesday 5th October
Today was not a good day. I woke this morning feeling really good, my arms and leg were hurting but I thought it was the work I did with Sophie, yesterday. I made my way, with my gorgeous catheter handbag to the toilet and did what is normal to do. Yeah!
Back to the bed I noticed I had leaked lots through the night, the sheets were covered and my gown was soaked too. Val and Robbie came in to remove my bandages so Mr Valham could have a look. As soon as they began to cut through the arm bandages I knew something was wrong, it smelt so bad.
I looked at Vals face as the bandages were pulled away and it was confirmed, something was wrong. Words like soft, leakage, infected were bandied around the room I looked at my wounds and they were pink and wet, with long strings of skin hanging from them. They stunk, a sweet but wrong smell!
Mr Valham came in and again his eyes showed disappointment, more words IV antibiotics, extended stay, not good, were thrown in to the pot. My mood plummeted and I realised I was going to be here for a long time.
Val removed the last of my bandages; my donor sight bandage was wet and bloody and made me gasp with pain as it was pulled from my leg.
Val took me into the bathroom, the chair they use to help you get in and out of the bath is really clever, “this might hurt a bit when your lowered into the water Shannon”. It did, but it felt good too. I lay in the bath, bits of my body literally falling into the water around me, dabbing at the wounds, trying to get them clean, each dab a little pull of pain, not a great big pain, just a sharp one. Hair washed, body given a final cleansing shower wash. All need for privacy gone, I just wanted to be clean.
Robbie did my bandages; I lay on the bed trying to move my body into the best position possible for them to do what they needed to do. Orimorph easing my physical pain, nothing helping my thoughts and brooding, my body isn’t healing. More time till I get home to my baby.
The rest of the afternoon passed in a blur of Orimorph, more drugs please, yes Im hurting. I cried, after dropping a book on the floor, I couldn’t get to it. My body wouldn’t work. I cried and cried, silent tears.
Mum and dad come with sparkley water, kisses and tired faces. We talked about me staying in for longer, “we can cope, just get better”. They are so good to me; I want to get better to stop their pain. I want to not be here, but I am. Today is not a good day.
Monday, October 04, 2010
Monday 4th October
It’s been a hard, but good day. I’ve walked up and down the corridor with Sophie twice and finally got some good movement from my left arm. This morning Carole, who is very gentle, washed my back, legs and under my right arm, all the bits I can’t reach, but I managed to do the rest. It was a real sense of achievement! The rest of the day I spent sitting up in my chair or doing Sofies exercises. My chest is now much clearer than it was; I’m off the horrible nebuliser.
Mum, Dad and Dylan visited, mum looks so bloody tired, tearful admission that she is really tired and feel like she is struggling to cope. She is doing so much; I’m worried it’s going to be too much!!! But my mam is my mam and she will do things her way – gods love her, even if it kills her.
She had brought me in some big pants and a vest top, cant wait to get into them after my bath tomorrow. Mum and dads tiredness makes me realise how lucky I am to have them in my life. For although they are both frazzled they come and visit, bringing kisses and hugs full of warmth and love, They also bring Dylan, who is fascinated by the moving bed, tonight he fixed it along with my catheter! The things that child will play with!
After they left I felt my tummy rumble and decided to make my own way to the toilet. Getting up is hard, the pain in my leg sometimes takes my breath away, its like little fire works going off all up my leg. But in a hobble swing motion I managed to get to the toilet and get sat down. Hoorah! We had movement – a proper pooh!!!! Having done this all by myself I went for the last step in the process and managed to get my bum wiped. Back in bed the lovely Andrea came in to ask if I needed anything, told her my good news and she was over the moon. Its Andreas birthday on Wednesday, I must ask mum to get something for her.
It’s taken me an hour to type this out and I’m shattered, each small movement sending a little pain into my arms and legs, but it’s a good pain, a healing pain. I can’t wait for my bath tomorrow!
Friday, October 01, 2010
House Fire
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Is anybody there. I know its been a while since Ive been on, but it doesnt seem to be anything out of the norm. I thought it was "once a blogger, always a blogger"....
Anyway, we have been to birthday parties, got sick, I have cleaned house, dirtied the house, done washing, ironed washing, got sick, brought some new furniture, got rid of some old furniture, went to some more birthday parties, got sick, finished Sing and Sign for another term, I start again on April the 19th. So was really looking forward to the holidays, spending some time with Dylan without feeling bug ridden, catching up with friends and generally just doing the usual stuff. But now I discover Im booked up again for a week, admin, bank manager visits, Dr visits....
The usual crap.
Me, Im doing mediocre. Im doing what I need to and nothing more. This is not a bad thing. Ive come to the decision that Im probably doing too much. Do not snigger!
More to come. Even if no one is reading or blogging.....
Monday, March 08, 2010
Dylans party took place at Kiki's cabin. It was mad, we had play, food, a magician and a chocolate fountain. It was ultimately fun and Dylan had a totally fab day, which in years to come he will no doubt forget and when he is slamming doors at 16 screaming "you never let me have a party" (do 16yr olds have parties?) I will sit trembling in the corner of the living room thinking I did!
It was a great day and Ive got lots and lots of pictures to remind me of this happy time.
Not that Im not thinking the future wont have happy times, Im in a good place right now. But just in case this blog and the pictures sum it up.
Friday, March 05, 2010
Its been 4, FOUR, years.
I woke on Wednesday morning, without the little bloke, he was at his dads. And I thought, my god this time four years ago I was screaming for drugs! So what has changed!
Ive taken on my own business, my house was burnt down and rebuilt, I lost my licence for drink driving, went through a major depression and climbed, with help from good friends and my family from a very deep whole.
Im still crawling along the ground, and at times it feels like nothing has got any better, but they are the times when I allow myself to I crawl back into the whole and weep, then I find myself sitting in the dark, and I think.... "bugger me" and I climb back out and rejoice in what I have, who I have!
Im still finding it hard to contact friends I ran away from, if your one of them I will call, those I have managed to get back in touch with, thank you for being on the end of the phone when Im drunk and your asleep. Life does go on, it does, and is getting better.
Everyone I know seems to have gone through some sort of "shit" this last year, so Im here, wishing you and everyone you love a fantastic 2010. Raise your glass with me and say, "This year, it can only get better".
From me to you, loving life and feeling like its all change, its all good, now where is that wine glasss!!!!!!!