What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Monday, October 04, 2010

Monday 4th October

It’s been a hard, but good day. I’ve walked up and down the corridor with Sophie twice and finally got some good movement from my left arm. This morning Carole, who is very gentle, washed my back, legs and under my right arm, all the bits I can’t reach, but I managed to do the rest. It was a real sense of achievement! The rest of the day I spent sitting up in my chair or doing Sofies exercises. My chest is now much clearer than it was; I’m off the horrible nebuliser.

Mum, Dad and Dylan visited, mum looks so bloody tired, tearful admission that she is really tired and feel like she is struggling to cope. She is doing so much; I’m worried it’s going to be too much!!! But my mam is my mam and she will do things her way – gods love her, even if it kills her.

She had brought me in some big pants and a vest top, cant wait to get into them after my bath tomorrow. Mum and dads tiredness makes me realise how lucky I am to have them in my life. For although they are both frazzled they come and visit, bringing kisses and hugs full of warmth and love, They also bring Dylan, who is fascinated by the moving bed, tonight he fixed it along with my catheter! The things that child will play with!

After they left I felt my tummy rumble and decided to make my own way to the toilet. Getting up is hard, the pain in my leg sometimes takes my breath away, its like little fire works going off all up my leg. But in a hobble swing motion I managed to get to the toilet and get sat down. Hoorah! We had movement – a proper pooh!!!! Having done this all by myself I went for the last step in the process and managed to get my bum wiped. Back in bed the lovely Andrea came in to ask if I needed anything, told her my good news and she was over the moon. Its Andreas birthday on Wednesday, I must ask mum to get something for her.

It’s taken me an hour to type this out and I’m shattered, each small movement sending a little pain into my arms and legs, but it’s a good pain, a healing pain. I can’t wait for my bath tomorrow!

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