What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Friday, October 01, 2010

House Fire

I'm in hopspital following a house fire.

It was awful and Im trying to deal, not only with the idea of loosing everything in my world, but of dealing wiht the physical pain.

Just to list the injuries, so in future weeks and months I dont ever forget how lucky I am.
Resuscitated 3 times
Lung damage - may cause scaring
Broken bone in my back, luckily Im told, its just a static one, so just have to be careful
Broken ribs x 3
Lacerations to chest and right arm - dealt with by the plastic surgery team
Burns to my right leg, right arm, left arm - dealt with by the burns surgery team, grafts applied from my left leg.
Light burns and lacerations to my face, back, legs (nothing serious).
Muscle damage to neck, shoulders, legs.

All in all, after being blown out of an upper storey window, the general concensus is Im doing bloody well to be here. I hurt like hell, but the morphine is great and the staff are even better.

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