What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Friday, October 08, 2010

Wednesday 6th October

A bad night, little sleep and ponderings of what Im going to be doing in a weeks time, a months time! I have decided that Im not going to accept this situation. Im going to push my body, with Sophies exercises, Im going to do everything I can to make it work the way it should. So through the day I did my exercises, breathing and body pushing each limb till it hurt just a little.

Bridie, the hospital councillor came in to talk. We talked about loads of things, but mainly how Im going to cope once Im out of my safe little hospital bubble. I don’t know. It will be strange living at home, but I know I will be safe. We talked about Dylan and how he is coping, Bridie would like me to get him assessed, just to be safe.

Visits from Ruth and Renate, Donna and Liz. “Im fine, really, its all good”, hugs, kisses, “get well soons”. Such good friends make me realise how lucky I am.

Sophie came to beast me and we pushed my body, my left arm is definitely improving, I can move it a little more each time she visits, still unable to lift it more than half way up my body, but its getting there. My fingers are not so stiff and Ive more control over them.

My catheter was removed, its all down to me now. Getting out of bed is hard, my body just doesn’t want to do want it needs to do to get me up. I feel like I have not control over the middle part of my body. Needing the bed to pull me up. Im worried I wont make it to the toilet in time!

Mum and dad came again to visit, they don’t see the point in Dylan seeing a councillor, I gave in. Things are pretty status quo with the house, dad chasing up the fire brigade and police, but not really getting anywhere.

Im tired, but feeling a lot more positive tonight, the days are long, but I really do feel that its all pulling in the right way.

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