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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Visiting Folks

Its amazed me how busy I have been whilst I have been on maternity leave. I kinda thought it would all be nappies and sitting at home watching TV. I even had plans to do my ECDL certificate but I've spent most of my days visiting and being visited by people.

Sue is one of the people I have visited with often, she has two lovely children, Eleanor and Matthew, and is full of useful information and anecdotes.

Sue Dylan and Matthew

Dylan adores her and smiles all the time when she is around.

She always leaves me feeling as if "I can do this" and I'm grateful for the growing friendship that has been slowly groaning with the passing months.

This lazy way of filling your days seemed alien at first. The idea of going to someone's house for tea, of having the time to sit and talk - primarily about nothing - but just chatting enjoying someone's company was a strange privilege I had never enjoyed.

It's part of my maternity leave I'm going to regret having to give up but I can foresee the time coming when I have to rush round doing "stuff" on my days off rather than enjoying the company of friends.

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