What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Weigh in - Tue 6th June

Walked Dylan down to Whitleybay clinic today, the sun was shining and I got blisters - need better foot wear.

Helen, the lovely health visitor, weighed the little man and he came in at a bouncing 12lbs 6ounces, all going well, he is doing great. Helen was really impressed with the way he is holding his head, she couldn't believe it when he actually attempted to stand.

He has over the last week or so become a real standy up baby, he hates being on his back, very nosy - a bit like his mum!

Took Dylan to see his nannysan and gandie - they needed a fix. He smiles so much when he is with both of them its a joy to see.

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