What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Monday, June 26, 2006

Mr Pearl came visiting.

Mr P has been in my life since 1994 - he is my positive wizard. He is far from perfect, he would admit this on one of his good days and deny it on a bad, but he has always offered me truth and honesty - even when its not what I want to hear.

He came back to Blighty to attend a wedding and did his usual "flit" up North to see us. I spent most of his time here discussing life, love and the universe. He gave me some things to ponder and spent the rest of his time waiting for Dylan to do something more than smile, sick-up and poop.

He isnt a baby person

and Im pretty certain Dylan picked up on this.

But after a day or so the two of them formed a strange your a baby and Im going to talk to you like an adult friendship.

I managed to snap him a couple of times, creating photographic evidence, of T communing with Dylan.

It was lovely to see him!

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