What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Friday, June 02, 2006

NCT Gang

Today we met up with the NCT girls I did the classes with. All except Ruth and Josh were present and it was lovely to chat and discuss our babies and their little idiosyncrasies. Dylan is the oldest, by a whole two weeks, closely followed by Thomas (Mummy Fiona), Josh (Mummy Ruth), Orla (Mummy Annette) and Naomi (Mummy Jo).

We decided in the headiness of chocolate biscuits and coffee to take a pic each time we meet up - just to log the little ones growing. So here they are - the NCT Gang.

Dylan, Thomas, Orla, Naomi

Thomas, Orla and Naomi

Dylan looks huge in comparison to Orla and Naomi - a real little bruiser - Bless!

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