What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Maiden Voyage

Today the sun woke us so I decided to walk the six miles to Blyth to meet mum and dad at the harbor. Dad has a small boat moored up and was doing the yearly clean out.

The walk up was fantastic, if a little windy, Dylan slept most of the way. I tried the pram out on the beach - quite successful on the hard sand but hard going on the soft stuff.

Sadly the good weather didn't hold out and when we reached the harbor the Fret (sea mist) had come in and it was warm weather gear all round.

Me and Gandie

Gandie, Jessie, NannySan and Me.

Hooch was complaining the other day that all the pics on this site showed Dylan smiling and looking cute - LOL - So this one is for her!

It wasn't until I got home that I realised I had the camera set on the wrong settings so all the pics from this day were just a little bit blurry - DOH!!!

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