What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Leaving the wee man.

So the weekend finally arrived. I've been dreading this weekend, that sounds awful because it was a weekend of celebration - Jayney and Joe were getting married - but it was also the weekend that I was going to be leaving Dylan for the first time. Its only been four months since he came into my life, but its changed me so much and I knew that even though he was staying with Shaun and Jo the leaving would be hard.

Jo and I spent Saturday acclimatising Dylan. No problems with Jo and Dylan bonding, he smiled continually and eagerly went to her for cuddles. Gone was the stranger danger, so much so that I even felt a pang of jealousy as he cooed at her, offering his best smiles - the tiny flirt! Jo changed him, fed him (expressed milk) and I took a back seat. It was hard!

Both Shaun and Jo seemed to find new ways of entertaining the little man. Shaun's beard and league of gentleman impressions were a continuous source of fun and Jo happily started the "sticking your tongue out" lessons.

Sunday morning arrived and K and I started to dress for the wedding. I had to apply my make up twice because of the tears. Finally with make up intact I headed down stairs to hand over my son.

The tears started again and K, Shaun and Jo all laughed at me. I cant explain the anxiety I felt. I knew that he would be looked after, Shaun and Jo both love him to bits, but there was still a part of me that kept screaming at me not to leave. Luckily Dylan has been put down to sleep so I wasn't forced to see his little face as we left.

The day itself was lovely, Jayney filled the day with her immutable style.

Boats on rivers, bride and goom meeting the guests before the wedding and old buses to ferry us around.

I cried several times when talking to folks about Dylan and by 5pm had to run off to Aunty Muriels hotel room to express - boobs like rugby balls - all in all though the day was great. I got drunk and ended up spending the whole night away from Dylan. God was it great to see him in the morning. Not only were my boobs sore as I'd only managed to express the once but my hormones were rampant and I couldn't wait to hold and smell him.

Parting is such sweet sorrow, god knows how I'm going to deal with going back to work.

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