What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

No milk

For reasons I don't really want to go into my milk dried up this week. It was emotional stress and I didn't really think that it would affect me the way it did, literally overnight I went from producing lots to producing nothing.

Dylan would lie at my breast chewing on nothing, sucking and crying - I had to supplement his feeds with formula, which really annoyed me, cause its not been easy to get to where I am with his feeds, but I couldn't go on not giving him anything.

I did what all the books recommend and fed him as often as he demanded it, expressing what I could in between times. It was hard and I tried as hard as I could to not cry in front of the little guy. I have to say that I really believe he knew something was wrong, he has been so gentle and cuddly these last few days.

I guess I really just blocked out my own emotions, going with the "I need to feed my baby" thing. It seemed to work, luckily my milk kicked back in about five days after the whole drama thang, its not back to normal, I'm still struggling to express but on the whole I'm feeling better than I did before, I know I can get through this and what's important is I've been able to continue feeding the wee man.

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