What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Birthday celebrations.

It was my birthday yesterday - 36 - more importantly it was my Papa's as well and he was a jolly fab 60. After attempting to organise a surprise party and then canceling it we decided to settle on a family meal.

The usual ohhing and ahing went on to decide which restaurant we would go to, but then it was decided because of Dylan to stay in and have a take away at mums. So my older brother, Shaun and his girlfriend Jo joined me, K and Dylan at my mum and dads to celebrate our birth day.

Dylan obviously didn't go down - he was far too excited at seeing Shaun and Jo again and NannySan just cannot let him sleep, far too much to see in the house and the garden. The little man joined us at the table and he was offered various foods to try.

It didn't seem to matter how much I said no, please don't, odd tidbits still found there way on fingers to his mouth. We discovered he loves carrot, hates spinach and adores strawberry cheese cake - dad dipped his dummy into his cake and announced "its my birthday and my grandson will have some of my cake".

Have to admit the photo said it so much better than I can.

This morning Shaun and Jo came for a visit, primarily to say goodbye and ended up taking Dylan for a walk. Their present to me was to give me two hours to sleep - BLISS!!!

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