What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Monday, July 10, 2006

Rollie Polly Baby

I got the shock of my life this morning. When I do my bits and pieces around the caravan I have been propping Dylan up on the sofa, surrounding him with cushions. He's never very far from me and until this morning showed no sign whatsoever of moving.

This morning I stood up and crossed the caravan - all of 15ft - to get his nappy changing stuff, suddenly there was a thump and the loudest scream I have ever heard. I turned to find Dylan on the floor upside down screaming his little heart out, I dropped everything I had in my hands and dashed back to him, picking him up and holding him as close to me as possible. Before I knew it the tears were streaming down my face and I was repeatedly appologising and kissing the little guy.

His tears dried up before mine!

First roll and first fall all in one day - my little boy is growing up!

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