What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Time flies

And I have done nothing, nothing I tell you except eat - not great for the diet. Sleep - hard when you have to get up at 6 most mornings and work - yep finally working night times to bring in those all elusive pennies.

Im working Tuesday and Thursday nights, its hard on the ole body clock - but the bank manager is a whole lot happier. Ive also completed my training for "Sing and sign". Dylan and I have been watchin the training video every day, Id like to think I have the confidence to do it, but the closer the day arrives to my new job the more Im begining to think, why the hell would anyone want me teaching them when Im singing.

To this end I watched Xfactor tonight and it scares me how confident people are, I mean there is a world of madness out there that think they can hold a tune in a tin can, and there is the big Simon and Louis saying no. Here I am putting myself forward as not only a tutor but someone with the ability to hold it all together with "twinkle twinkle little star" and "Old McDonald". Try it, sing those songs and suddenly realise that you need a drum beat and harmonies to hold it all together.

Other than that I've aquired two doors, with glass in them for my hall and toilet. I know - why would anyone want a door on a toilet with a glass panel, but it lets the light into my very dark hallway - only to discover that they are 2 inches two short. And who says size doesnt matter. Will freecycle them in the hope that size doesnt matter to someone.

Ive also got some paint for my bedroom, it blue, this house is becoming very blue. Its not one of my favourite colours but beggars cant be choosers and it came to me free. Im lining it up for my two weeks off at the end of this month. I was supposed to be going to Italy, but things didnt work out. Im now going to spend it trying to do as much DIY in this place as possible, in the hope that I will get a vist from Mr P (ex landlord who now lives in NZ) and his new sex goddess Freya.

We have also had fleas - yep, the cats, who lived with bunnies, mice and hedgelhogs in the caravan brought these peskie beasties into my house. I found one in Dylan's hair - FREAK ZONE - the house and cats were de-liced immediately with a deadly "Get out of your house" spray. No living thing was allowed in the house for two hours after spraying and the poor spiders and woodlice who have found comfort from the downpours that have been happening over the last couple of weeks, have died - mercelessly. Im assuming it was good stuff!!

Other than that all is fine and dandy. Dylan is with his pappy tonight, so Im on the VODKA - hmmm so nice. Off for a bath and then onto a good book. Cant remember what Im reading at this present moment in time but Im sure its something intelligent.

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