What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

DIY Disaster but Im busy...

Yep, still no further forward than last week, got nothing done in the house but I have been fairly active socially. I got asked to sit on a panel for a local community centre - The Meadowwell, a volunteer lead centre that has recieved some lottery funding.

Its totally strange for me to be put in this position as Ive never really done it before, but Im gung ho, so turned up ready to go. The day itself was fun, I interviewed with a guy called Mel, we were two total oposites but it worked well and we both found the other was able to cover (or give the flanel) when required.

By the end of the day we were left with two candidates who shone, although the other six or seven really did present well and it was a hard decision. However we still had two other candidates to see.

On the whole I found it hard because its a huge position of power to be given. You sit there judging if someone is good or offering you the right information. And lets face it - every one blags at interviews. There was only one candidate who was totally awful and I hate to say it but he was the most "educated" of the bunch - just seemed unable to offer a full sentance without glipping off to some strange tangent. He had also "supposedly" ran workshops for people looking for work, offering advice on how to present at interviews, put together a cv and send out a letter....

How strange.

Anyway we did the final interviews today and was quite blown away by the two candidates, it took us a futher 40 minutes of discussion to decide on the correct candidate. I just hope we made the right decision.

Dylan was farmed out to Annette, who had a totally awful time with him - even with attending sing and sign - he got so upset he ended up being sick. Annette was at the end of her tether and almost called me back, but luckily he tired himself out screaming and fell asleep.

Ohh me thinks this two weeks holiday have, in a way, been a bit of a mistake, he has got so used to spending time with me that he has kinda taken steps back on the "leaving mommie" front. Im begining to worry about Monday, but hope that when I go back to work and mum takes Dylan he will find the routine soothing.

Ahhh is there ever a day when we can stop worrying.

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