What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Friday, September 07, 2007

Back to school

Well I've done it, I've returned to school - but this time as a class room assistant. It was SOOOOO much fun. And so bloody different from the slipper ridden, black board throwing days I was in the class room.

The teacher I'm working with Angie (but not in front of the children) Gibson, is a real inspiration, she is everything I could want to be. In control, fun and just plain Cool (yes with a capital C).

We did maths (scary for a CSE grade 1 passee) but I managed the tens, hundreths and thousands thang and even got control of the whole rounding up thang with a table of six.

We then did PE - which to me was running through the hills in short shorts, with mud, snow and pimples so large on our legs they matched the hills we were running over. To these kids though its a chance to learn, stretch and involve each other - perogative learning!

The final lesson was English - "Water babies". Angie (but not in front of the children) said I'm going to read this and I want you to follow it. My heart sunk and I was driven back to Miss Hughes reading through a story in a dead pan voice, no intonation and no full stops. Angie acted out much of the first chapter, discussing with the kids hard word that may not be understood and comparing today's life with the years of yesteryear.

I left after 3hrs feeling that I had learnt more in this time than I have learnt from my course in six months. The staff were friendly and welcoming and the kids - well they were quite lovely. Not the yobs of years to come but kids who wanted to learn, please and quite frankly shine.

Inspiration - Ive already decided to sign Dylan up.

The only thing I'm trying to get used to is being called Miss!!!

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