What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mr Whirl wind visit.

This weekend I was visited by Tracy Pearl. He is a one man cyclone and I love him dearly. Thursday night we got drunk and caught up on life, fixed my computer, TV and made plans for Friday.

Friday with hangovers hanging Mr Whirl cycloned through my house, fixing the upstairs toilet - it now flushes, putting in extra sockets downstairs so I could have my phone in the living room and additional sockets in the kitchen. He also found time to secure my gate, work out how to record using my DVD player and sorted out my switches.

I needed a rest after he left to visit friends, but there is no rest for the wicked. I set off at 9.30 to do my first "Sing and Sign" class. Feeling brave I took Dylan with me. I had seven lovely couples show up for each session I ran. The all bore with me whilst I forgot signs, songs and attempted to keep control of Dylan. I thought the sessions were a bit "haphazard" but everyone seemed to have fun. Next week though I'm going to enlist mum to look after Dylan, its just too much hard work to run a class and keep control of the wee man.

I finally admit it - Supper Mum I'm not!

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