What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Ive spent the week digging up my garden following a free cycle advert. I got a bunch of red stones, gravel, and decided to renew the garden. Dylan helped, in many ways.

It was a slow process and eventually ended I up enlisting the kids from next door, slave labour is great, to dig up the cement.

Drank four cups of coffee and put down the gravel - who needs alcohol. I was a bit worried about Dylan on the gravel, but apparently its great for sticking down the side of his ball pool.

Each day amazes me with how he develops. How we develop. Sometimes Im caught thinking "how did I get so lucky". He strives each day to see something new and Im caught up in the excitement of life. The exploration of a new road, the finding of a leaf, the big dog at the end of the lane.

I offer him choices of cereal and he makes his choice. He is now pouring the chosen cereal in to a bowl, putting the box into the bin and follwing through things we take for granted, and it fills me with joy.

He's an obnoxious little grit when it comes to the word "no". He actually looks at you and smiles and then does whatever your saying no to, but I cannot stop laughing at him. The other day when I said to him "no, you cant do that, you have to take off your shoes" he looked at me, looked at his shoes and pulled at the velcro.

Ah he fills me with such joy.

I said goodbye to him today, when Keefe drove away with him, and my life felt empty. Of course I did what any sane person does and donned my marigolds and started cleaning. Luckily Hooch called me and stopped me cleaning floors.

Thank god for friends.

1 comment:

Hx said...

Ow there's nothing better than getting a call from your mate who's been on the lash since 2pm that afternoon and making sense . . . . . aggggggggghhhh!