What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Monday, December 17, 2007


Lots of people ask my why I want this operation, and I kinda give the usual backache, headaches, cant run, cant cross my arms or get clothes to fit... Its all of these things and a little bit more. I hate the way I look in a mirror. I look uneven - odd a thing of disparity. If I wear a tight top I get comments of complete strangers like "ohhh - you don't get many of them to a pound love", or " Wooooaaar, Id love to loose myself in there - wouldn't come out for a year". Incidentally I have lost things down the front of my top - mainly food - but sometimes its just not seen as polite to go "furking" down your front.

Well, and this is me being brave, not being porno or 'Readers wives', I've had a friend take a couple of shots - so I can look back and say "Yes girl, it was the right decision".

Here are my before shots (they are not pretty) - the after shots will follow in a few months.

Big boobs 1

Big boobs 2


Hx said...

Well doen brave bird! Can't wait for the after piccie.

Wild Mood Swings said...

Well done you, bug hugs