What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas, pain and alcohol free - almost

The last couple of days have been a real pain in the boobs - Gosh get me the comedian. Ive been on pain killers much of the time, so pretty spaced out and sleeping for England. It hurts to move my arms, my back hurts, my head hurts and most of all my bally lips hurt. The swelling on my boobs and lips is finally starting to go down. Mum has been pretty fantastic, keeping me fed, cleaned and controlling Dylan.

I guess the hardest thing has been not holding Dylan, not being able to pick him up when he fell over, or cuddle him when he was going off to sleep. Mum has had him in her bed at nights and Ive really missed waking up with the little bloke. Mind you she hasnt had the best of sleeps with him in her bed and I really couldnt thank her enough for looking after him. But have to admit that all in all things have been hard. Ive attempted to help at times, but most of the time all Ive been able to do is potter round the house moving a glass here, a cup there. I couldn't even open my beloved coke bottles without assistance.

Shane came home for Christmas, so he helped mum with the Christmas dinner. Keefe dropped the wee man off at about 11ish Christmas morning, I was fretting to open the Christmas presents, but Dylan chose to sleep. Bugger!

He finally woke up at 1o'clock and the unwrapping began. As normal I'd told everyone not to buy anything much and as normal everyone ignored me.


Dylan got:
A Boat
A Boat

Perfect Gift for the man in my life.
A cleaning set - perfect gift for my perfect man.

Tweenies bath toy, stickle brix and puzzles.
A Tweenies bathset, some stickly bricks, lots of puzzles, a fire engine and
Pumkin - Gandie had a go on him
Nanny San had a go on him

Then Dylan had a go on him.
Cuddles from mummy
My best present was cuddles from my wee man.

Christmas dinner was the usual triumph I have come to expect when mum and Shane get together in the Kitchen.


Far too much food, far too much richness and far too many yummies. However only a few glasses of the good stuff were imbibed, due to me on pain killers, Dad's diabetes and Mum just not drinking.

It was a lovely day though and as Dylan went down to bed I lay with him in my arms tonight, for the first time in what seemed like ages, full of bonhomie and good cheer.

Happy Christmas everyone!

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