What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Ive talked about this place a couple of times, its brilliant for the little ones and gives all us mums a fab place to meet up, where we know the tots can run crazy for 2hrs and tire themselves out without causing too much damage. Obviously all this crazy running around means they get a good afternoon's nap and we can pleb somewhere on the sofa in the knowledge that little fingers wont be wiping jam over the sette in the next hour or so.

So this is Kiki's


Soft play corner

Dylan with his mate Archie. I kinda imagine Dylan and Archie sat in a similar position in about 14 years time, only this time it will be a bottle of WKD they will be sharing.

Archie in the Tunnel of noise.

Tunnel of noise - Dylan 121207

Rachel and her mom. This is Dylans favourite slide, he comes down it head first and giggles all the way.

And finally the ball pits - of which there are about four - but this is definitely his favourite. (Mine too).

Ball pit - 121207

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