What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Saturday, October 07, 2006


I keep trying but its not working. I’ve expressed every three hours on the hour for 30 mins, 15 mins on each breast doing 5 mins and then swapping, desperately attempting to stimulate the milk flow but its not increasing and Im so worried that my milk is drying up.

Dylan seems happy to feed from me at night but through the day he will only suckle for a min or two and then he is off looking for something else to entertain him. I can’t help feeling that if my milk does dry up going back to work has caused it. Expressing obviously hasn’t stimulated the production enough and Im feeling a bit…like … a failure.

Todays high light came in the form of a visit from Gemma, Aaron and Jonathan.

Gemma always makes me smile – she is so confident and the bond between her and Aaron is so strong. When I was a little low today I reminded myself that Gemma didn’t breast feed Aaron so obviously breastfeeding doesn’t affect the bond between mum and baby.

I know its wrong of me to feel like breast feeding is what creates the bond because its obvious from others who haven’t breast fed that this isn’t so, but I just feel like my body is letting my down - my breasts have failed me!

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