What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Reverse Cycling - Something new to deal with!

Definitely think something is going wrong with my milk. Dylan has been waking most nights now three, if not four times, demanding to be fed. It's not even as if he is feeding for a long time. Generally about 6 mins but he will not be settled with anything but a feed.

I had a chat with my Health visitor and she suggested Dylan might be reverse cycling, stopping his intake of fluid through the day and feeding at night. It's a comfort based thing ~ he misses his mommie!!!

I've never heard of this before, but its a bit of a relief. I thought this was it for me and breast feeding. Although its been hard it has created such a fantastic bonding between me and the little man.

I would never judge anyone for not breast feeding but Im so glad Ive managed to keep on with it. Times gone by I've hated my breasts but this was what they were meant for and Im really proud of myself to have stuck with it this long.

Does that sound conceited? I hope not!

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