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  • The Happiness Project

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Celebrating and Expressing

So this is my plan for the weekend. With Keefe away in London and Mum and Dad over in Cumbria its just me and Dylan, so Im going to feed him on demand and express every three hours. I’ve done loads of reading on the Internet and its “suggested” that this is the way to increase my milk supply.

Annette, Orla, Ruth and Josh joined me and we had cake and champagne (one glass only please we are breast feeding mommies) to celebrate Ruth’s birthday. Its lovely seeing the girls and Dylan always seems to enjoy the companies of the other babies.

Orla and Dylan

I fed Dylan as and when he needed it, but he generally didn’t want to feed that much from me through the day. Although that said, he loved the beef stew I made last night. Ruth was also feeding Josh so we got some yummy pics.

Josh and some carrots

It was totally fantastic to be able to bathe Dylan tonight; we both got naked and splashed in the bath for ages.

Dylan giggled his way through the evening, I read to him and we lay on the floor playing.

I started the evening out how I meant to progress I fed Dylan at 7pm ( he usually gets an expressed bottle) and then expressed right afterwards – emptying out each breast. But even with the additional feed and expressing the 10pm expressing yielded no more than another ½ an ounce. Having had such a good “yield” of milk prior to working this is so disheartening but Im hoping that all this extra expressing will boost the supply.

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