What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Monday, October 16, 2006

Lovely Weekend in London.

Just when I felt really down this weekend came along. I wasnt sure whether I was going to actually do it. But I forced myself to pack my bag and headed off to the airport.

Dylan and I flew down to Standstead. When we were waiting in the loby I saw looks of horror pass over several passengers faces "Oh no, we have a baby on board - but he was a total star and slept through most of the flight, after flirting with the air hostesses. We stayed the night with Jayney and Joe - who were lovely. Joe cooked for us and we went for a fab walk in the morning. Dylan slept in a drawer! So cute but I didnt get a picture - loosing my touch!

Jayney dropped us off and we caught the train into London to meet H. It was the first time H has met the wee man and they got on like a house on fire. They had a great time playing Peek-a-boo.

In his Nappy and happy at Aunty Hx's

In fact she was the first person he waved at - Yes hes waving!!! Think the mentality level was about on par (don't mean it Hooch). He crawled into every corner investigating the new space - Hx's floor has never been so clean.

Sadly Keefe came way too soon to take Dylan away to meet his side of the family. Before I sobbed H had sipped a glass of happy juice into my hand and told me to pluck her eyebrows. Distraction being the best form of defense!

After dressing and applying slap we headed off to Graemes 50th bash at the Tower of London, we had a lovely evening doing what the Hooch and I do best. Met up with Marcelle and met some lovely folks. The evening passed in a flow of drinks and chat. Foot sore and all drank out and taxi ordered, Marci joined us and we headed back to Hx's.

Saturday morning H left us to go gas soldiers and Marcie and I waffled the afternoon and evening away.

Aunty Marci and Dylan.

Catching up with Hx and Marci was lovely and filled me with a sense of strength I've definitely felt lacking over the last months. Feeling as low as I have been has made me realise how much I miss my friends. I know that even alone as I am I'm no longer lonely.

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