What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Carrots are yummy!

Hmmm today we had carrots and baby rice. He loved it. I went a bit over board and made a big batch (used a whole carrot, he is only supposed to be taking two or three spoonfuls) I was going to split it into little pots but thought I would just try him to see how much he would take - He ate the bally lot.

When I started weaning I was going to try the self feeding thang, where he feeds himself finger foods and stuff but he just seemed to get frustrated with not being able to get the food into his mouth.

So Im spoon feeding him. Sometimes he really cries between mouthfuls, but from the "investigating" I've done it seems he is just frustrated it isn't coming fast enough, having been used to getting his food pretty darn quick for the last five months.

He does like to have the spoon at the end of his meal though.

So far we have tried the following finger foods:
Apple - as a finger food. This is fun as he munches on it quite happily as long as I, or some other sucker, will hold it in place for him.
Cucumber - big bits are best, at first he wasn't at all happy with this one, but on the second or third showing, with big chunks he happily muched away.
Pepper - Loves it!
Chips - Definitely got Irish heritage as Taties in any form are wolfed down like they are going out of fashion.

Foods cooked or put in with baby rice
Banana - again hated it at first but now happily takes it with baby rice, still doesn't like too much of it on its own.
Sweet potato - Yummy - will happily eat this till it comes out of his ears, covers his head, and mine!
Broccoli - Hmm only tried this once and he coughed,spluttered and screamed. Might be one of those we go back to.
Carrots - the pic says it better than I could.


Pepze said...

eheh, what a nice child :D

Shannon said...

Thanks Pepze, I think he is kinda wonderful.

Hx said...

Broccoli? Is that goes Mamma Bear likes it????? ;-)

Shannon said...

Mama bear loves broccoli... my child will love broccoli!!!