What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

BAAAAD Mommie.

I cant believe it - it happened again!

I was sat with the wee feller and we were doing the usual playing stuff. I stood up, simply stood up, and before I could move, cry out or react in any way positive the little bloke leant forward and simply rolled off the sofa.

He hit the floor and screamed. I picked him up and cried.

How could it have happened again - I think he is part lemming!!!

On a more up beat note - weighed in today at a totally fab 15lb 8oz.

And I got the photo's back from the photoshoot (Which I forgot to blog about)They are gorgeous!


Hx said...

Babies bounce!

Shannon said...

Hooch - all I can say is "Thank god" and as his fairy god mother I hope you wont hold it against me or tell him when he is older!!!

Hx said...

I won't hold it against you, but definitely will tell him when he's older! lol

Heidi said...

maybe he's just telling you he's going to be a stunt man when he's older...?

S, worry not, you are not a bad mother, as a child I had a file at A&E which could make War & Peace look positively miniscule. I constantly managed to find way's to injure myself. Ask H, she'll tell you, one of the things that peeps from school remember about me is my constant injuries. As long as he is happy and healthy and loved, he'll be fine. HHx