What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Thursday, August 31, 2006

It does get easier - work!

Well the morning started out pretty much like Tuesday - tears and reapplications of make up - but by the time Keefe got up and I went to wake Dylan I had myself under control.

I think last nights preparations helped. I had pre-packed all his stuff in bags and got my uniform ready. His meals and milk were sorted and all I needed to do was get the little man up, put on his coat (going to Nanny Sans means he doesn't have to be out of his PJ's) and drive - I'm on a three step program here.

The drive to mum and dads passed without tears, infact we even managed to get through a couple of songs on his nursery rhymes CD - step 1 achieved.

I sat with Dylan and chatted to my folks for 10 mins, no tears so far, then kissed the wee man on his head, breathing in one last lungfull of baby I headed out for the car. Tears welled in my eyes but I managed to blink them away - step 2 achieved.

Into work - still no floods although the occasional hiccup and eye welling occurred. However have to admit to actually getting on with some work today, whereas Tuesday was mainly filled with looking at pictures of Dylan on the yahoo web site - step 3 achieved.

Medal and fan fare please!!!!

Lunch break. Yes, I made it through the morning without calling home, without crying too much and without embarrassing myself. Expressed (a whole blog to itself me thinks) and strode into the kitchen with my bottle of milk - I am a working mum!!!

Agi and Terri - two of the centre regulars started chatting to me about the little guy and I was fine. I can't even remember what set me off, some innocuous comment but the tears flowed and I rushed to the toilet in embarrassment.

Face washed, make up re-applied, without mascara - I've given up on mascara - I headed back into the kitchen to apologise and was soundly hugged by Agi who consoled me with "its all right, it does get easier".

The rest of the afternoon flew by and I made it through with no more tears.

Heading home in the car I was hit by Agi's words. "It does get easier" and it got me thinking, cause in a way I don't want it too. I don't want to ever become complacent about leaving my wee man - Is this stupid or is this just one more emotion I have to control because I'm now a "grown up?

Enough pondering, because this evening when I walked in to the living room I was greeted with the biggest smile and open arms - God I love this child!!

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