What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Big Bed.

Dylan has been sleeping in a cot that goes next to my bed. Its been really lovely as I hear him breathing at night, I also hear him snorting, snuffling and singing. I love it, but know that sooner, rather than later, he is going to have to move into a bigger bed, that wont fit next to mine.

My baby is growing up!

Then today I arrived at my mommies to find that the crib we have generously been given was up and ready for the little bloke. Blankets, chime thingy and all. God it brought a lump to my throat.

As he sat in the cot, his little hands pulling on the bars I cried a little. I seem to be doing that an awful lot lately.

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