What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Monday, March 31, 2008

The visiting it continues...

I've gotta say that Shaun, my brother, is a bit difficult to deal with at times, sometimes he's all "yeah" and other times there is a definite "Fuck, why are you here vibe", that I find hard to deal with.

Even though we confirmed we were coming to visit 3 weeks ago, I've had that vibe this weekend, when I had to ask if it was ok to stay the extra night on Sunday I really felt like I was overstaying the weekend.

Shaun informed me that he was working Monday, so I kinda planed to leave early morning, allowing Dylan to sleep in the car on the way to Bev and Simon's. I figured we could spend the day meandering around Lancaster until Bev and Simon got in on Monday evening.

Monday morning dawned and Dylan woke up with the words "Cows" burning his lips, I heard Jo in the shower so knew it was okay for us to get up. In our pyjamas we headed down the back of the garden to say to "goodmorning" to the cows. The farmer, who is according to Shaun and Jo, a bit of a recluse, waved and smiled at us. I guess the sight of a very dishevelled mommie, holding up a grinning two year old screaming "Morning Cows" can break down the biggest of walls.

After checking out the cows we returned to the kitchen to Jo. Dylan was in denial about Jo leaving to go to work. "Jogi - stay". "Cows". "Hold hand". Jo seemed to find it almost as difficult to say goodbye to Dylan and he did to her. But, unexpectedly Shaun turfed himself out of bed and the separation process was made slightly easier.

We waved off Jo and returned to the kitchen for more tea. There is something intrinsically lovely about sitting and drinking tea with your brother. Especially when said brother appeared to be in the loveliest of moods.

Instead of demanding our departure Shaun actually encouraged us to spend the day with him. He explained he had a couple of jobs to do in Keswick but was happy to take us to the climbing wall to do a bit of climbing.

I packed up the car whilst Shaun took Dylan out to say goodbye to the cows. Then we set off to Keswick. I really did think it was a going to be a here it is, say goodbye... but we spent a gorgeous day with Shaun. He demonstrated such a huge amount of patience with Dylan, chasing round after him, encouraging him to play, encouraging me to climb, encouraging both of us to investigate.

Dylan loved the swinging stuff,
Trust me.. Ive done this before

but didn't particularly go for the climbing.
Just hanging around

I thought it was still a bit early, but talking to one of Shaun's friends it seems that its actually quite normal to encourage 2 yr olds to start climbing.

Dylan did however love the latter part of the afternoon where Uncle Shaun played, they threw sticks and generally just interacted. I loved watching it. Dylan seemed to really enjoy the maleness of Shaun's play. They sat on a hill throwing sticks at me

Which Dylan thought was hilarious


doing Pooh sticks

Pooh sticks

And just playing. It was really gorgeous to watch. Sometimes I wonder if he is starved of male role models, cause whenever he is with a "guy" Dylan just becomes so interactive and playful.

Anyway, the afternoon had to come to an end and at 4 o'clock we said goodbye to Shaun and set off to Bev and Simon's in Lancaster. Dylan cried as we drove away "Bye, bye Shaun", "Shaun Gone mama"

Within minutes of being in the car he was asleep, the afternoons activity obviously taking its toll. The drive down to Lancaster was really easy and very enjoyable. As I drive through the Cumbrian landscape I always feel so at home, being an army brat I have limited opportunities to return to places. This is one of the few places I can.

I arrived at Bev's thinking I would have to hang for a while, but luckily Lynne and Simon were both home.

Now again. Misconceptions rule. And Ive probably not taken Dylan to visit Bev and Simon cause they are definitely not "children" people. Simon and Lynn, Bev and Simon's house mate, were totally cool with Dylan, really welcoming and very encouraging to his forages into their home.

Simon took us on an exploration around their house, which is a very lovely place at the back of a farm, so there were "tractors", chickens and sheep in abundance. Most exciting to Dylan was Bev's horse trailer, which Simon happily opened up for us, Dylan climbed a mongthe horse poo, much to Simons amusement and the tone for the evening was set.

We spent a lovely evening at a local pub with Bev and Simon being perfect hosts to me and a rather exuberant 2 yr old. With Dylan in bed much wine was consumed and we chatted, caught up and I just had a lovely time. Buckets of wine later I head for bed with a warm feeling in my belly.

The morning dawned and Dylan and I sneaked downstairs to join Lynn for breakfast, Bev soon joined us and we had a leisurely meander threw cornflakes. Sadly all visits must come to an end so I packed up the car and we waved "Bye Bye" to Bev.

My misconceptions I have stored firmly in the bin. Bev and Simon are totally fab with kids and I would be more than happy to leave the little bloke in their tender ministrations.


Hx said...

I can't think of a better "guy" for Dylan to spend time with than Shaun and the tax payers sponder for that matter. Now get his bl**dy hair cut !

Shannon said...

Will not, will not, will not...

Admit it, he's cute with long hair!