What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Friday, March 14, 2008

Dylan is leaving me...

Or at least Dylan is going to stay with his daddy for the weekend. Daniel, his brother, is coming up to stay, the plan is to take him to Flamingo Land on Sunday, a day which we normally spend at Mum and Dads.

We spent the morning playing in the living room. His speach and vocabluary are becoming really defined, stringing words together to make sentances, which Im sure only close family understand, but it does make me so proud.

Ruth and Josh came to play with us at 10.30 and we had a lovely morning just chatting and watching the two boys play together.

Da Boyz
Da Boyz!!

After lunch, which I cooked, with Nigela like precision, we all headed off, Ruth and Josh back home and me to drop Dylan off at Mums so I could head on to Sing and sign.

The latter part of the afternoon/evening was spent watching my mum and dad playing with Dylan. The do dote on him and it makes my heart smile to see how much he loves them too.

Cuddles from Nanma San
Cuddles from Nanma San

Nanma is constantly hounded to "come play" and she is not allowed to sit down for five minutes on her own. Not that she minds this of course, encouraging him to jump and bounce around the house like a small hooligan on acid.

Gandie and he are just mates, playing chase, hiding and sharing fruit.

Its mine...
"Its mine" - "No its mine"

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