What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Friday, March 21, 2008

What have I been doing these last couple of days...

Well, Keefe went off to London and Ive been looking after Dylan. Its been the usual chaotic crap, added into the pot is my returning to work - Booo, and getting the all clear from Mr Collis regarding my boobs and the all clear on the cancer scare - Yeahhhhhs all round.

Ive also spent a lot of time with Annette and Orla, just hanging either at the aquarium, Kikis or pottering round her place. Its just so easy spending time with Annette, we seem able to talk about anything and generally we do.

This afternoon we headed to the park and Orla and Dylan ran round like mad thingies. its a great way to get them tired out for the night. Annette and I did our usual entertainment thang on the see saw. We are getting pretty good at requests, although I have to say generally we do "Horsey, Horsey", "How much is that doggy in the window" and "Wheels on the bus". All the other mums and dads in the park look on us like we are little mad, but also with a little jealousy - We are after all quite fab!!!

Me and my girl on the seesaw

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