What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Monday, March 17, 2008

My Quiet time endeth...

I spent this morning attempting to make up for my rather lax weekend. I walked down to the shops, it was lovely, windy but still nice to just plod on down. I have to say that the walk back with two heavily laden bags was slightly just off the nice... my arms ache!

I changed my bed, did several loads of washing and spoke to Hooch. It was during this conversation that I finally had to face that Im now totally clear of my antidepresants. And Im back to a rather emotional me!!!

Hooch sent me a photo she had taken whilst attending a ball down in London. She has over the last couple of months lost an incredible 40lbs. Following an accident as a child her front teeth were a stained brown colour, I have to admit that after talking to her for about 3 seconds you totally forget this, but its always been an issue for Hx and because she can she got it fixed.

In this photo she looked slim, she looked confidant and she was smiling!! Even as my bridesmaid she didnt smile (that may have been the dress) but just seeing her looking so fantastic was just too much for my raw red emotions and I burst into tears.

Just as I was pulling myself together didnt the 'cahw' go and call me... Blub!

Anyway following a prolonged conversation we said goodbye, Hx went off to do some work and I went off to play with my compter, whislt watching some of the DVDs that I have never quite found the time to watch.

2.30 came and in walked my wee man. My heart sored and as he ran to me, crying "Ma" I knew that as much as I have loved this lazy weekend, I love having him in my life much more.


Unknown said...

40 pounds in two months. That is Holy Crap impressive!

Hx said...

oh babe, I love you!

Hx said...

For gawd sake women, BLOG ! I have nothing to read on a Sunday morning!

Hx said...

"40lb's in two months", nah, it was 52lbs in 6 months, but bless the bird for biggin me up!