What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Friday, July 28, 2006

One potato, two potato...

Weighed in at 15lb 2oz. Helen told me to expect a slower weight gain from now, Dylan has apparently grown into big boy range...

I told her about the way he follows each mouthful we eat, how he grabs for food, how we wake two or three times through the night to feed - All apparently signs of baby heading for weaning. So mum and I headed out and brought some baby rice.


We then had a try with mash potato.....

Need I say more

Please sir can I have some more

I felt a little bit lost - is this him leaving me, am I now redundant...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Food Glorious food

Went for our weekly weigh in... 14lb 15 oz.

A great weight gain for the little man. Spoke to Helen about his recent need to feed twice, sometimes three times through the night, about his following us with his eyes and opening his mouth as we put food in ours...

all positive signs of a baby wanting more food... weaning has begun!

Mum and I purchased some baby rice and started the process.


I felt a little lost. Is this the end of our bond, is this him leaving me, no longer needing me? God Im needy - lol!!!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Dillons came a visiting.

Penny, Dillon, Colm and Ady came visiting because of space in the caravan and the situation K and I are in it was decided that I would stay with mum and dad for the weekend.

I was happy with this as it meant I would continue to benefit from their care and attention, but wasnt too sure how Penny and Dillon would react to it.

Long story short apart from the constant too-ing and fro-ing it worked really well. K had Dylan time, in two hourly batches - pretty much as much as K seems to handle. Penny was a real star and organised all the picnics and food. It was strange to "visit" the caravan and having the mess of two young children made my fingers twitch each time I visited, but I got my anality under wraps and managed to sit on my hands.

I organised for mum and dad to baby sit on Saturday night, meaning to spend some time with Penny and Dillon enjoying a glass of wine or two, but at 8.30pm dad called saying simply "come home".

Apparently Dylan had been as happy as Larry sitting on the table with mum and dad in his wee chair, whilst they ate. Dad pulled his sock off and Dylan looked at him as if to say 'you dont do that', looked at my mum and burst in to tears. He then proceeded to cry for the next hour and a half.

When I walked through the door his little arms flew up and he greeted me with a tear stained smile. He snuggled into me, smiling and googling at mum and dad. Within minutes he was settled in his cot and fast asleep. Dad shook his head mumbling "I dont believe it, he was a totally different baby before you came".

I returned to the caravan and enjoyed a game of 'pass the bomb' but I stayed off the wine, just in case.

The Dillons seemed to have a fab time - the glorious weather allowed us to spend time BBQ-ing and sitting on the beach


and water fights ensued.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Pots and pancakes

Today we met up with the girls from NCT at a lovely little cafe called pots and pancakes - it kinda does what it says on the tin. You can make your own pots and have pancakes. It was a lovely way to spend the morning and I ended up spending a silly amount - lets not go there.

I made a picture frame for NannySan and Gandie, a mug for Keefe and a little tile with all the babies foot prints on. We had so much fun and Annette took some lovely pics, here's just a few....

Fiona and Thomas

Jo and Naiomi

Me and the wee bloke

Dylan was an absolute star and the prints me and mum had done earlier obviously gave him the upper hand, or foot, cause he was all smiles and stretched toes, flirting with the lady who was doing the painting.

Jo reckons he has definitely been here before, I'm coming to believe her. At the end of the morning it was all too much and the wee guy just had to have a little nap.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Birthday celebrations.

It was my birthday yesterday - 36 - more importantly it was my Papa's as well and he was a jolly fab 60. After attempting to organise a surprise party and then canceling it we decided to settle on a family meal.

The usual ohhing and ahing went on to decide which restaurant we would go to, but then it was decided because of Dylan to stay in and have a take away at mums. So my older brother, Shaun and his girlfriend Jo joined me, K and Dylan at my mum and dads to celebrate our birth day.

Dylan obviously didn't go down - he was far too excited at seeing Shaun and Jo again and NannySan just cannot let him sleep, far too much to see in the house and the garden. The little man joined us at the table and he was offered various foods to try.

It didn't seem to matter how much I said no, please don't, odd tidbits still found there way on fingers to his mouth. We discovered he loves carrot, hates spinach and adores strawberry cheese cake - dad dipped his dummy into his cake and announced "its my birthday and my grandson will have some of my cake".

Have to admit the photo said it so much better than I can.

This morning Shaun and Jo came for a visit, primarily to say goodbye and ended up taking Dylan for a walk. Their present to me was to give me two hours to sleep - BLISS!!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

No milk

For reasons I don't really want to go into my milk dried up this week. It was emotional stress and I didn't really think that it would affect me the way it did, literally overnight I went from producing lots to producing nothing.

Dylan would lie at my breast chewing on nothing, sucking and crying - I had to supplement his feeds with formula, which really annoyed me, cause its not been easy to get to where I am with his feeds, but I couldn't go on not giving him anything.

I did what all the books recommend and fed him as often as he demanded it, expressing what I could in between times. It was hard and I tried as hard as I could to not cry in front of the little guy. I have to say that I really believe he knew something was wrong, he has been so gentle and cuddly these last few days.

I guess I really just blocked out my own emotions, going with the "I need to feed my baby" thing. It seemed to work, luckily my milk kicked back in about five days after the whole drama thang, its not back to normal, I'm still struggling to express but on the whole I'm feeling better than I did before, I know I can get through this and what's important is I've been able to continue feeding the wee man.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Rollie Polly Baby

I got the shock of my life this morning. When I do my bits and pieces around the caravan I have been propping Dylan up on the sofa, surrounding him with cushions. He's never very far from me and until this morning showed no sign whatsoever of moving.

This morning I stood up and crossed the caravan - all of 15ft - to get his nappy changing stuff, suddenly there was a thump and the loudest scream I have ever heard. I turned to find Dylan on the floor upside down screaming his little heart out, I dropped everything I had in my hands and dashed back to him, picking him up and holding him as close to me as possible. Before I knew it the tears were streaming down my face and I was repeatedly appologising and kissing the little guy.

His tears dried up before mine!

First roll and first fall all in one day - my little boy is growing up!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Leaving the wee man.

So the weekend finally arrived. I've been dreading this weekend, that sounds awful because it was a weekend of celebration - Jayney and Joe were getting married - but it was also the weekend that I was going to be leaving Dylan for the first time. Its only been four months since he came into my life, but its changed me so much and I knew that even though he was staying with Shaun and Jo the leaving would be hard.

Jo and I spent Saturday acclimatising Dylan. No problems with Jo and Dylan bonding, he smiled continually and eagerly went to her for cuddles. Gone was the stranger danger, so much so that I even felt a pang of jealousy as he cooed at her, offering his best smiles - the tiny flirt! Jo changed him, fed him (expressed milk) and I took a back seat. It was hard!

Both Shaun and Jo seemed to find new ways of entertaining the little man. Shaun's beard and league of gentleman impressions were a continuous source of fun and Jo happily started the "sticking your tongue out" lessons.

Sunday morning arrived and K and I started to dress for the wedding. I had to apply my make up twice because of the tears. Finally with make up intact I headed down stairs to hand over my son.

The tears started again and K, Shaun and Jo all laughed at me. I cant explain the anxiety I felt. I knew that he would be looked after, Shaun and Jo both love him to bits, but there was still a part of me that kept screaming at me not to leave. Luckily Dylan has been put down to sleep so I wasn't forced to see his little face as we left.

The day itself was lovely, Jayney filled the day with her immutable style.

Boats on rivers, bride and goom meeting the guests before the wedding and old buses to ferry us around.

I cried several times when talking to folks about Dylan and by 5pm had to run off to Aunty Muriels hotel room to express - boobs like rugby balls - all in all though the day was great. I got drunk and ended up spending the whole night away from Dylan. God was it great to see him in the morning. Not only were my boobs sore as I'd only managed to express the once but my hormones were rampant and I couldn't wait to hold and smell him.

Parting is such sweet sorrow, god knows how I'm going to deal with going back to work.