What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


It was a week ago that I had my stitches removed, and today whilst picking up the up the wee man. I felt confident, I felt great, we played, I jiggled him about, I kissed...

That night after bathing the wee chap I was holding him against me. He placed his hands down my top, he furked around... he looked at me... he furked some more... and then he said "Gone"... "Where". And I explained.....

Two days later, we played, I threw him up in the air.... I brought him down and I sat him on my hip - like all mummies hold their babies - and I split... couple of steristrips applied by the wonderful mummy, along with the knowing smile and "14 days to heal outside... 6 weeks to heal inside" and I was sorted.

God I hate it when mummies are right.

Three days later I was at the Dr's for a check up and the nurse booked me in for an immediate appointment... its hot and red.

I bared my boobs to Dr Mac (My latest God) who said "god they're gorgeous...hmmm infected... hmmm ...antibiotics".. Best thing he said was " you can drink on these though" - he knows me so well!

So this is me... infected, sightly less confident but still loving the whole thing.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Honey, have had to password my blog due to nasty horrible sneaky people, Hx can explain, email me at this addy with an email to which I can send your 'invite' to be able to still get in my blog etc.

Think you are awfully brave to have had the op. Gulp. But will defo make your life better in the long run. But wow what a difference!

The wee man looks adorable, even more than usual, oh how I envy you.xxx

Dont forget to write..........