What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Boobs gone bad - NHS Even worse!

Well it’s been another of those days that makes me wonder why and if Im really getting my life back together again. I spent the morning with Helene and Archie, Groine and Fin and Emily, Ellie and Ella. We had major fun running round Kikis like idiots, sliding down slides and paddling through the ball pools.

A couple of times I felt quite sore, but all it all it actually felt quite good to be out and about again. Dylan loved the interaction with the other kids and I was surprised at how he was playing with them. Over the last couple of weeks he has, along with me, been pretty house bound. We got out a few times, but I was unable to play with him or really bounce around how we usually do.

Anyway, 2 hours of playing and we were almost ready to leave, only Dylan discovered the paint table and wailed to be allowed to play. After 20 mins of painting almost everything in site including the chair, his hair and his top I decided enough was enough. Everyone was staring at us as if I was mad to let my child carry on in this bohemian way. I loved it, he loved it and the mess he made would be easily cleared up.

Just as we were leaving Jo, with Solomon and Helen with Raphael came in. I haven’t seen Jo or Sol for months – Solomon’s birthday me thinks, which was in October. So we played for another 20 mins, Solomon showed Dylan how to bump down the stairs on his belly – looking forward to him doing that at home and I caught up with Jo.

So why all the explanation, well whilst I was running round like a mad un, my boobs were feeling really sore. Every now and then I would get a shooting pain right from my nipple. I kinda, in my usual way just ignored the bally thing. But by 3 o’clock this afternoon I decided enough was enough and I exposed my breasts to my mother.

She took one look and called the Drs. I bumbled of to see Dr Mac at 5.30. He took another look and explained that I was going to have to be admitted to hospital cause me slight infection from earlier on had got worse and with me already being on oral antibiotics I was now going to have to hit the big time – intravenous drip…. YIPEEE!

So off me poodled, bag packed thinking I would be admitted pretty quick as they had already agreed I had a bed. But no… 4hrs later Im sat here typing on my little puter cause Im bored witless and don’t want to read my book in case I can’t access my puter on the ward.

The only thing that is keeping me entertained is spider on my puter and the drunk running round A&E yelling "KEEEEE-A-Gannnnn - he's our man. For those of you who dont do football (snigger that includes me) Keving Keegan has apparently just taken over as Manager for Newcastle - and this is a good thing.

God somebody save me Im talking football!!!

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