What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Im living with Keefe again.

Ha, how many of you just spluttered all over the computer board! That sentence is enough to make anyone splutter, but its just a convenience thing. His convenience, my stupidity.

Every year the caravan site closes down for 8 weeks, usually we have stayed at mums, but this year for some sick and unknown reason I offered my home to him. It made sense at the time (I may have been on heavy doses of drugs).

Anyway following a wonderful argument last night, he almost didn’t move in - long story and one far to annoying to blog about - but today he condescended to move into mine as his stuff was already there. Like I give a flying fart!

We have spent the afternoon being very polite and side stepping issues like rules. Im definitely going to have to sit down with him and set out some of the things I really would like him to do - cause already he is annoying the hell out of me.

Time will tell, a hatchet in the head will tell more.

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