What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Monday, January 28, 2008

Blue Reefe Aquarium.

In our search to find something to do that might entertain the bairns I have become a member of the aquarium in Cullercoats, it used to have a bit of a crappy reputation, but either being totally desperate and needing somewhere to take my nearly 2 year old has changed my perception or this place has actually improved over the years since I last went there.

There are lots of fish to see, some very beautiful and some a bit bizarre, there is also a seal tank, which I'm kinda against, but hey ho (wind your neck in)

Seal - where?
Seals - Where?


and an otter thang, which stinks to high heaven - have to say that to date I have never seen an otter.

It kills a good hour and Dylan always seems to have fun running round and hiding from me. I actually spend most of my time in the aquarium in mid panic, imagining that I'm going to get round the corner after chasing my somewhat elusive son to find him swimming in one of the tanks.

Anyway Annette, Orla, Ruth, Josh, Dylan and I all headed down there today for a walk around and the obligatory coffee.

Josh and Orla looking at sharks
Orla and Josh looking at Sharks

Ruth and Josh
Ruth and Josh

Today, the babes seemed more interested in the bit of a swing park
Ruth and Orla - just hanging....
Ruth and Orla just hanging!

Dylan convinced Josh that playing in the shrubs was much more fun that the silly slide,

Josh exploring
They seek him here....

Where's Dylan?
Where is that Dylan gone?

All in all a rather pleasant day.

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