What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Fathers Day.

Sunday we generally spend at mum and dads, mum cooks and I sit on my bum and watch my dad behaving like a three year old.

This weekend though was a special weekend as it was Fathers Day. As Keefe was down in London it was great to not worry about who Dylan was with. For Fathers day I had put together a collage of pictures of Dylan, for Keefe and my dad. Dad was really touched by it. He generally doesnt do photo's but the frame has been put in pride of place in the front room.

My brother, Shane, is a little bit mad and had asked my dad a couple of weeks ago what he wanted. Dad said "nothing really, just get something for Dylan". On Saturday a huge box arrived and this was inside it....

It took a while to blow up.

It set Dads electric pump smoking and mum and I were sent post haste to pick up a new pump. Dylan enjoyed playing in the box with the three hundred balls Shane had sent to accompany the boat - so Dylan wouldnt get bored.

Dad and Dylan had a "whale" of a time playing pirates, with thier sea dog, Jezz.

Mum and dad have now turned thier front room into a Marina....

1 comment:

Milkynz said...

Do you have a movie of Dylan playing in there?