What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Shiremoor Fair

Today I had to go into work, it was a bit of a pleasure actually as it was a fair.
There were all the usual stalls, bouncy castles and candy floss.

The weather promised rain, but we struck lucky and the sun showed its face. I thought it would be a bit of a pain as I had to take Dylan with me, cause Keefe was working, but everyone made him really welcome. He was given a balloon, which he carried everywhere. Stopping occassionally to flirt with the old ladies I was attempting to convince computers were fun. I spent most of my time running round after him, pretending to hand out leaflets.

We went on the tea cups

, ate candifloss and played on the computers....

All in all a rather lovely day.

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