What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Gardening is fun.

My mum is a bit of a gardening wizard. She makes things grow that shouldn't grow and they grow BIG! My wee garden was a real tip when I moved in - totally over grown and rather disgusting, full of cat poo, crisp packets and beer cans.

Mum however has been up two or three times and the garden has become a nice place to be in. It took a lot of time and lots of digging, clearing and planting. Plants are not my big thing - I'm a bit of a plant killer, but I've been converted. I'm growing tomatoes and peas. Matron and Hooch you are my inspiration.

Dylan loves it when we are out in the garden, its an obvious time for him to play in water and mud.

I brought some garden ornaments, a cow, a pig and a sheep, from Morrisons. Dylan loved them, but sadly they haven't lasted all that long. The sheep lost its ears within the first couple of minutes and the poor cow...

Best of all though was seeing Dylan lying with his face in a puddle blowing bubbles.

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