What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

New Shoes

Nanny San got so excited at the prospect of buying new shoes today that instead of going off and doing the weekly shop we went to Clarks and brought Dylan not one but two pairs of shoes.

I have to say the service was lovely, they made it such a special occassion. Measuring up his little feet and trying on several styles before settling with the ones we did.

They even take little pictures so you can remember the day. Still to be scanned so for the time being here's a couple of pics of the wee man in his shoes.

Dylan was, as usual, a total star and once he got his new shoes walked round the shop flirting with the staff and generally enjoying his new freedom.

I felt a huge lump in my throat cause he really is developing into a little person and its finally hitting me that this is all very much for real. Its taken me a while but Im so very happy and content!

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