What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!

  • The Happiness Project

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Birthday boy

I wasn't going to have a party, because there are so many parties for us to attend this month, but then it hit me that it is just not the done thing to NOT have that first birthday party picture.

So in my usual haphazard way I sent out emails to friends and family and then ran round all day yesterday attempting to get the house, myself and Dylan organised for the said party.

After scrubbing floors, cleaning windows (why do I put myself through this) baking a cake - a whole fiasco that deserves its own blog, but not got the time - I finally filled up my wine glass and welcomed Jo, Becki and Josh (my next door neighbours) as our first guests.

From then on it was just one wonderful guest after another, Kath (From the theatre) Daniel (Keefe's son), Malcolm, My mum and dad, Nicky and Rob, Rich, Andrea and Kiera, Annemarie and Ged, Carol and her two grandsons Nathan and Costa, Sue and Jack, Julie and Eva, Annette and Orla, and Sue - without Mathew cause of chickenpox - it was a mad 3 hours but totally lovely and I really appreciate the effort that everyone made in coming on such short notice.

Dylan finally allowed me to put him down at 4.30 and slept for a whole 35 minutes - he is just so bally nosey.

Keefe left with Malcolm, Daniel and my baby boy and I filled up my wine glass, ate the last of the pringles and humus and chilled.

Fabtastic - Happy Birthday Dylan, I love you so much.

PS Camera broken so cant download any more pictures - WAHHHHHHHH!!!

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